Friday, August 31, 2007

Reflective Writings


Today we had to create an account on school wiki by logging on to our regular accounts that we use to get on the school computers, then we had to change our password. We also had to create a blog on and create post to fit 5 sections we will be using in our health 2 class. I had to make a user name and a new password this site helps us find information on health. On i created my account by creating a user name and a password. I made 5 sections on this site; reflective write, my projects, shared projects from peers, homework, and type 1 and 2 writes. By using these sections they will create my profile. We had to link the wiki page onto our blogger site to make easier access to the site. This was hard to learn but when i got used to it i was very easy to learn how to use the blogs and how to create blogs and how to just create my profile.


What is juicing and why would you want to have juicing be part of a healthy lifestyle?

Juicing is when you take different fruits and vegatable, clean them, then put them through a juicer. Jusicing vegatables is a good heallthy lifestyle. FIrst of all it can get you to eat all the vegatables you should be eatting and it gives you the nuetraints that come inside vegtables. . Fruits also have many benefits to being healthy some juices even some fruits have ingrediants that can make you more healthy! Juicing can consist of havein a juice deit, it can help prevent cancer as well.


Today in class we had found out about our new assigments, we had to research and vitamin, vegtable, and a fruit all picked by mr. Cohun. Then we watched a videos on jucing leanring which juicers work best, and which ones you should buy. The first one that we watched was the Breville Juice Fountain Elite. It is stainless steal, with titanium cutter disk, 1000 watt motor, with 13,000 RPM on high and 6,500 on low with only 4 parts to clean!. The Next video that we watched was on the Jack Lalanne. this juicer can be both a juicer and a food processor. It has a stainless steal surgical cutting disk and it only needs two parts cleaned!!!


Today in class we talked about what was expected for our projects and how they needed to be on time. Each project has to meet its determined fca's. Then we learned about Flickr and delious. Both are online websites helping us research and keeping track of our projects. Flickr is an online website used to keep and store pictures and delious is an online website used to tag the website so you can go on there again. At the end of class almost everybody in the class presented there vitamin projects!


Today in class we talking about our new assignment that Mr. cohun handed out and went over our groups that we were in. I was paired up with Joe Ruggiero and James Osbourne, were lucky group number 3 as Mr cohun said! He went over the project and assigned our groups the parts that we have to research. Then we went over the individual part of this project, the pyramids and we put our height and weight age gender and how much excrise we get to show us how many claroies we should have a day and how to keep our bodies healthy by the right amount of intake of food we should be eating. Then Mr. cohun showed me how to access my flickr account.


Today in class we presented our vitamins, fruits and vegtables to the whole class! Micah did his presentation on vitamin c. His presentation was great but he didn't know what some of the terms he used meant. So we looked them up as a class and found that collagen is the main protein of connective tissue in animal most aubdant portein in mammels, moutain bew does not cause a sperm lose and Gout is an acid illiness causing a lot of pain. We also learned that vitamin C is not as effetive when you are taking asprin at the same time! Micah also presesnted Chickry as on of his presentations, which is the blue flowers in the salad. Jen presented vitamin B-1 and Josh presented vitamin B-2.


Today in class Jim Carter from Underhill, Vermont came to talk to our classs about organ donations. We learned several things from Mr. Carter like Tilt (today i learbed that.. ) hearts, liver, kidneys, and dyalysis. We leanred today that there are two types of death, cardiac and brain. We also leanred you cannot live without a liver, and if your an alcohlic you can suffer from cirrhosys which is something gross on the liver! We also leanred that the liver is the biggest organ INSIDE your body. We talked about kidneys and how you can only be born with one kidney. We also talked about kidney transplants and you can live only having 30% of one kidney working. When ytour kidneys are failing you need dylaphsis which cleans your blood since your kidneys can't. When Jims youngest daughter Andrea, was 17 died in a car crash due to not wearing her seat belt. In 1964 Ford models were the first cars to have seatbelts as a requirment but this only included the lap belt. In 1950's Volvo was the first european car to require seatbelts. In 1968 the US government required that all cars must have seat belts. Neil Bjolan invented the shoulder part of the seat belt and saved many many lives, and finally in 2001 click or ticket became a law. Then we talked about his daughter donating her organs to people who needed them to live and Mr. Carter told the class that each of these organs can be out of the body for this amoutn of time to be used in another body. Liver: 4 hours Heart: 6hours Kidneys: 72hours Corneas: 14 hours.


Today in class we got to go to the computer lab and try and get caught up on our work we had to do, and if we were done with our projects we got to work on our new projects. This is what we did all class and was very helpful because i got to catch up on some work.

10/2/07Today we listened to Ricky's presentation on STI's(sexually transmitted infections). The seven most common STI's are pubic lice, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, herpes, and genital warts. I was absent this day but I got the information from other class members.

10/4/07Today in class Ricky came in and presented contraceptives to our class, he told us that there are hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives. He explained there were many different types of birth control and other ways of preventing from getting pregnant without using birth control for exanple spermicide, but he made it clear to everybody in class that the only way to be 100% sure that you don't get pregnant is to not have sex!

10/8/07 We started the topic of tobacco today in class. We went to the computer lab and worked on our tobacco project. my topic was the sucess rates of qutting and how to quit. We were in the computer lab the whole class working on this porject!

10/10/07Today Josh made a juice using the class juicer. The juice that he made was called the Brain Stimulator. According to the site where he got the recipe you only use 10% of your brain and by only eating coffee and doughnuts everyday then you can go down to 2% in brain activity. The drink smelt disgusting and i couldn't for convince myself to try it. The ingredients of the Brian Stimulator juice can raise the brain activity again with juicing with these ingredients for three weeks.

10/12/07 Today in class we went to the computer lab and participated in an online questionnaire about tobacco. We were allowed to ask any questions and they would be answered by professionals. But because there were so many people participating we found out that we wouldn't get our answers until a week from then.

10/16/07In class today we began learning about testicular and cervical cancer. Mr. Cohun presented us questions and we had to guess what the answers were, then we looked up the questions and we took notes on the and leanred information about these cancers.

10/22/07 Today in class there was 6 of us there so we went to the auditorium and played card games with smoking facts on them and whenever we reciveved a different card we would write down what the card said. Then we went back to the classroom at the end of the class and went around them room saying the facts that about smoking that were presented on the cards.


Jack Cohun said...

Nice Job!!Check out Beth Comtois's blog.

Jack Cohun said...

Don't fall behind.Your missing 2 posts.

Jack Cohun said...

I really enjoyed reading your post on Jim Carter!!!

Jack Cohun said...

Missing your juicing recipe . Make sure you follow the FCA's.

Jack Cohun said...

Missing 5 posts!!!!

Jack Cohun said...

Quarter ends 11/2 and you are missing many of the reflective writes!!!